Konami presented a remake of Silent Hill 2, two new games, a movie and an interactive project - 95gameshop

Konami presented a remake of Silent Hill 2, two new games, a movie and an interactive project

At the presentation of Silent Hill Transmission, Konami announced an updated version of Silent Hill 2, two game spin-offs and one interesting multiplayer project, as well as the third film in the series.

Silent Hill 2 Remake

Bloober Team is developing a full-on remake of Silent Hill 2 featuring original Team Silent artist Masahiro Ito and composer Akira Yamaoka. The game will be released on PlayStation 5 and PC, then on Xbox.

The remake will tell the story of James Sunderland, who is looking for his dead wife, who sent him a mysterious letter from the town of Silent Hill. Konami and Bloober promise a completely redesigned game using new technologies in 4K resolution.

Silent Hill: Townfall

A new spin-off developed by No Code Studios and published by Annapurna Interactive. This project will present a unique approach to the Silent Hill franchise from the famous AA developer.

Silent Hill f

Another spin-off based on a story set in 1960s Japan. The script is written by the famous Japanese author Ryukishi07, who created such visual novels as Higurashi and Umineko. The game is developed by NeoBards Entertainment.

The game will combine the beautiful and the terrible and focus on the psychological and supernatural mysteries of Silent Hill.

Silent Hill: Ascension

the most unusual presentation announcement. In Silent Hill: Ascension, participants from around the world will control the characters of the video story in the world of Silent Hill. The project is designed for many users and will be released on several platforms. The project was the result of cooperation between Genvid Entertainment, Bad Robot Games, Behvaiour Interactive and dj2 Entertainment.

Movie Return to Silent Hill

Christoph Hans, the director of the first film about Silent Hill, is making the third film in the series - Return to Silent Hill. The tape is related to the events of the second game.

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