Fans did not like Modern Warfare 2 commercial with celebrities - 95gameshop

Fans did not like Modern Warfare 2 commercial with celebrities

Fans did not like the new Call of Duty: Moder Warfare 2 commercial, in which various celebrities are preparing for the release of the shooter.

Among the guests flashed Nicki Minaj, rapper Lil Baby and actor Pete Davidson - the latter, however, simply appeared in the image of himself. All of them invite the viewer to "Join the Squad" (Squad Up), clearly referring to the team of characters in the game itself.

The participants in the video have fun in various locations such as clubs and even the airport, where they perform various tricks on motorcycles. By the way, the emphasis on the theme of the team was also made in the release trailer of the shooter.

The set of guests seemed strange to viewers, and the video caused many negative feelings - it was compared to a "screen adaptation" of the popular meme "How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?" from the series "Studio 30".

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